- Azure Gregs NewsLetter
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- Azure Greg NewsLetter v18
Azure Greg NewsLetter v18
Episode 18 - who wants to be on the stream?
This is the 18th edition of my weekly newsletter - thank you for reading.
This week I had 4 streams and it’s going great - had a lot of fun talking to Dwayne Natwick, John Lunn, Simon Lee, and Nicholas Chang, and so much fun chatting with community members.
Here is a sneak preview of who’s agreed to come on and when, super excited for these upcoming streams!
If you would like to appear on the stream and either come and chat or maybe demo something you enjoy then here is my calendar.
Please don’t forget to subscribe to my YouTube channel - that way you can click on the bell and get reminders when I go live.
I am still going to do some unplanned streams and this is still on the cards.
The plan is to run through each section using the Azure Portal and deploy and discuss the options, then redeploy the resources using Bicep.
The streaming will be live, so you can join in if you like to ask questions, and all content will be up on my YouTube channel
Course Content
The Azure AZ-900 Azure Fundamentals course is complete - and thank you for all the people getting in touch with me about it, more courses are something I think will be on the horizon.
We have 12 videos now available covering all of the AZ-900 Azure Fundamentals content.
Check out the playlist below:-
Azure for Go Developers - https://learn.microsoft.com/en-us/azure/developer/go/
Microsoft Entra Mind Map - https://idpowertoys.com/assets/mindmaps/entra-v1.pdf
GitHub merge queue is generally available - https://github.blog/2023-07-12-github-merge-queue-is-generally-available/
Intro to confidential computing with Azure Virtual Machines - https://learn.microsoft.com/en-us/training/modules/intro-to-confidential-computing-with-azure-virtual-machines/
Microsoft Cybersecurity Reference Architectures - https://learn.microsoft.com/en-us/security/cybersecurity-reference-architecture/mcra
SQL Managed Instance now available to all subscription types in large Azure regions - https://techcommunity.microsoft.com/t5/azure-sql-blog/sql-managed-instance-now-available-to-all-subscription-types-in/ba-p/3829294
Want to generate @github Actions from within in VS Code? Without using a CLI? Download the extension! - https://marketplace.visualstudio.com/items?itemName=SavannahOstrowski.ghost-ai
Azure Bicep Release - 0.19.5 - https://github.com/Azure/bicep/releases/tag/v0.19.5
View my LinkedIn Learning Courses on Azure Data Fundamentals:
Career Tips and Advice
Helping people makes you feel good.
We have some podcasts already recorded and edited, a few more and we will start to release them, the first episode will definitely be out in July. Next week I promise!!
YouTube - https://www.youtube.com/gregorsuttie
Blog - https://gregorsuttie.com
LinkedIn - https://www.linkedin.com/in/gregorsuttie/
Twitter - https://twitter.com/gregor_suttie
GitHub - https://github.com/gsuttie
Twitch - https://www.twitch.tv/azuregreg
Stay safe, this is the way. I am looking for suggestions for thumbnail pics for each weekly newsletter, and suggestions via Twitter @gregor_suttie.