- Azure Gregs NewsLetter
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- Azure Greg NewsLetter v7.0
Azure Greg NewsLetter v7.0
Episode 7 - Danish please
This is the 7th edition of my weekly newsletter so thank you for reading.
This week I was laid low with the flu but still managed to travel to Denmark to give an Azure fundamentals Workshop at the Denmark Microsoft Office, I love traveling to places to share knowledge with people!
This coming Tuesday we kick off the AZ-900 Azure Fundamentalsligh Free Course - we currently have 144 signed up and looking forward to covering part one this week!
New Practice Exams for Azure Az-400, AZ-500, MB-910, MB-920 and the MS-700 Exams - https://twitter.com/MicrosoftLearn/status/1641545839788146693
Azure Cloud Shell Open Sourced - https://github.com/Azure/CloudShell/tree/master
Object replication for block blobs - https://learn.microsoft.com/en-us/azure/storage/blobs/object-replication-overview
I'll be at Experts live in September 2023 - https://www.expertslive.eu/
View my LinkedIn Learning Courses on Azure Data Fundamentals:
Career Tips and Advice
Don't think you can travel when you have had the flu, wait till you feel 100% before attempting to travel (note to self).
We all google everything, as an Azure Architect I say "it depends" a lot of the time, now lastly I ask have you asked chatGPT?
Start a blog, start a newsletter and start this weekend.
It's just over 2 weeks until my first ever MVP Summit in person, which means I will be at Microsoft HQ In Redmond with thousands of MVPs from all around the globe, very excited about this.
Myself, @MattOffPrem, and @MrKeithAtherton are launching a new podcast within the next month or 2 - more on that as we get closer to launch - sneek preview @ https://onairinthecloud.com
YouTube - https://www.youtube.com/gregorsuttie
Blog - https://gregorsuttie.com
LinkedIn - https://www.linkedin.com/in/gregorsuttie/
Twitter - https://twitter.com/gregor_suttie
GitHub - https://github.com/gsuttie
I still need to finish off my blog post on creating Azure Virtual Desktop resources using Bicep and will domain join a windows 11, VM, to an Azure Active Directory Domain Services instance.
Stay safe, this is the way. I am looking for suggestions for thumbnail pics for each weekly newsletter, and suggestions via Twitter @gregor_suttie.
Stay safe, this is the way. I am looking for suggestions for thumbnail pics for each weekly newsletter, and suggestions via Twitter @gregor_suttie.